Urban Disaster Risk Reduction
Rapid urbanisation and climate change are amongst the most significant phenomena of the 21st century. In 2010, for the first time in human history the number of global urban inhabitants outnumbered the rural inhabitants. Urban sprawl and unplanned urbanisation as consequences of improper development accumulate extensive risks which threaten life, property and dignity of millions of people around the world . Many CSOs by understanding this reality have taken initiatives for Urban Risk Reduction. RedR India in collaboration with SEEDS India have developed four days training module on Urban Disaster Risk Reduction that equips middle level functionaries of CSO for developing multidimensional programmes and projects for UDRR. The first part of the training course orients participants with the knowledge and perspectives to understand Urbanization as a complex and dynamic phenomenon with special reference to climate change and disaster risks. Using practice based examples the course discusses tools and techniques for urban risk assessment and a range of strategies and actions for UDRR. Towards the end of the course a scenario based exercise helps participants to design a project for UDRR.