Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction (Introductory and Sector Specific)
Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk and investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience are the second and third priority actions of Sendai Framework for DRR. It is believed that these priorities are best achieved by mainstreaming disaster risk reduction in development planning. This four-days generic MDRR course equips government and nongovernmental development planners to integrate disaster risks in development programming. This course orients participants to understand global frameworks including SFDRR, SDGs and legal framework with special reference to linkages with resilience. The second part of the course covers HVCA with reference to key social sectors. This part also provides an overview of various technological tools for HVCA at macro, meso and micro level. Last part of the course orients participants with the knowledge about risk informed development planning for key social sectors including food security and nutrition, WASH, health and education. A table top simulation exercise helps participants to work on a scenario for designing risk informed development plan. This course can also be customized for sector specific MDRR learning and practice.