Public Health Response in Emergencies
This course has been designed to prepare humanitarian personnel to address the needs of Public health in crisis which provides an overview of managing public health projects in emergencies, identifying key issue and key technical skills. This module intends to facilitate ‘learning by doing’ and to scale-up preparedness among public health professionals working in disaster-prone areas. Learning and sharing experiences, resources and skills through implementation for this training module will facilitate building up local and national capacities in mitigating negative impact of disasters especially on health on women and children. It further aims to reduce morbidity and mortality due to infectious disease outbreak among women and children by strengthening knowledge and skills of public health professionals on outbreak investigation and control.
This course will to provide an overview of what is considered to be “good practice” in the area of environmental sanitation during emergencies, how to convey information regarding site selection, shelter, water supply, human and non-human waste disposal, vector control, and drainage to a nontechnical audience in order to make them better-informed participants in discussion of emergency health policies. This course will also present different approaches to implementing environmental sanitation programs.