Health and Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies
RedR India’s course on HHPiE focuses on building capacities of hygiene promoters with special reference to Risks of communicable diseases in emergencies, epidemiological concepts, Hygiene Improvement Framework and role of hygiene promoters. This course covers the theory, practice and developments in the ever evolving field of hygiene promotion. It builds from hands-on experience and draws substantially from the Global WASH Cluster Hygiene Promotion Project resources. The four-days course is broadly divided in three parts.
First part of the course provides basic orientation of hygiene promotion concepts, emergency scenario and risks of communicable diseases. This part also deals with a detailed discussion on role of hygiene promotion in comprehensive WASH intervention with special reference to Sphere standards. The second part of HHPiE deals with the discussion on hygiene promotion programming, assessment of risk behavior, communication planning and various approaches to hygiene promotion including Social Marketing, PHAST, CLTS and CHAST as well as BCC. This section also entails an opportunity for the participants to learn about dos and don’ts of communicating with communities and principles of hygiene promotion messaging for IEC material development. The third part of the training takes participants in a scenario based exercise where participants work on designing communication plans with community mobilization activities and developing IEC material with appropriate messaging.
The course is facilitated by experienced public health promoters, using mixed methods of interactive power point presentation, group work, practical exercise, group work, case studies and demonstration.