Environmental Health in Emergencies
RedR India’s course on EHiE aims at improving participants’ knowledge, skills and perspectives on environmental health risks in emergencies as well as principles of WASH programming in emergencies. This seven-days course is broadly divided into five parts.
The initial part of the course covers orientation to basic WASH concepts followed by discussion on risks of communicable diseases in emergencies and WASH needs assessment. The second part of the course then dwells with detailed discussions of each component of WASH programming and their relationship with ensuring environmental health. The third part of the course covers explanation of humanitarian standards in WASH programming as well as WASH cluster coordination. The fourth part of the course takes participants into practical exercises of emergency water supply, water quality testing, water treatment, emergency sanitation and scenario based exercises of solid, liquid waste management and vector control measures in an emergency situation. The last part of the course deals with hygiene promotion as a critical area of WASH programming. This part of the course helps participants to discuss different approaches of hygiene promotion with a specific emphasis on people centered hygiene messaging and community management of WASH services. This part of the course also helps participants to list and describe WASH NFI and hygiene kits.
The course is facilitated by experienced WASH emergency professionals including an engineer and a hygiene promoter, using mixed methods of interactive power point presentations, group work, practical exercises and demonstration.