Education in Emergencies
The course will enable participants to learn about the different components of education in emergencies, and develop critical skills to design and implement education responses in emergencies. The overall aim of the course is to build capacity of humanitarian workers and decision makers for Education in Emergency (EiE) interventions, and to improve the effectiveness and quality of education provided to children affected by natural disasters or civil strife.
At the inception, this training will engage with the background, rationale and framework for education in emergencies. Group exercises and discussions around cases/ examples from past emergencies will then lead into the section on INEE minimum standards and other foundational concepts. The training will provide introduction to the essential tools for rapid assessment and response planning with due emphasis on child participation in the risk reduction process. The next part of the training sessions will be on re-establishing education after initial response. Inducing DRR in the curriculum, continuity planning, child protection, policy development, advocacy, resumption of formal education and cross cutting issues like social structure and gender are some of the other sessions that will be covered. A simulation exercise will be conducted to give the participants a hands-on experience to apply the INEE minimum standards.