To achieve sustainable development goals while promoting the culture of resilience, HCL Foundation and Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief (RedR), India have come together to respond to capacity-building challenges for effective disaster preparedness and response.
The collaboration is set out to build a learning ecosystem for Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Reduction professionals by providing a unique Blended Learning platform and fascinating learning experiences. This ecosystem will enshrine the innovative nature of learning and capacity building in the humanitarian sector by encouraging multi-stakeholder partnerships
The principal aim of RedR training is to improve effectiveness in disaster response. A world in which sufficient competent and committed personnel are available and responding to humanitarian needs. In addition, RedR courses can enhance professional development. The skills acquired during the course will help to enhance understanding and approach towards the humanitarian sector. These courses can be an entry point for someone who wants to pursue a career in the Humanitarian sector or for those likely to be involved in a professional capacity in Humanitarian Assistance.
About Organizations :
HCL Foundation is one of the leading CSR organizations with a pan-India presence, working in the domains of Education, Health, Livelihood, Environment, and Disaster Risk Reduction. The foundation strives towards building inclusive models around their thematic domains with the aim to empower and equip communities to reach their full potential. HCL Foundation has ramped up the efforts to mitigate a humanitarian crisis with the RELIEF, RESTORATION, and BUILD-BACK strategy. As a part of these efforts, the HCL foundation has reached out to the most vulnerable population of India by complementing health care services, provision of food security and livelihood, provision of medicines, emergency services to elderly & children, and also through training and capacity building initiatives.
Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief (RedR), India, a renowned humanitarian and non-profit organization, is part of the RedR International network. RedR India works towards strengthening training and capacity-building interventions in Disaster Management. RedR India maintains a register of experienced humanitarian professionals and provides technical and capacity-building services to governments and external support agencies in the humanitarian and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) sectors. In the last 15 years, RedR India has deployed 881 individuals and trained more than 75,000 humanitarian professionals. During the pandemic, RedR India entered into the new arena of facilitating humanitarianism through digital training and capacity-building initiatives.
Why Should You join this course ?
RedR India has a proven track record of capacity building through its training teams located throughout the country and across the globe. RedR India has promoted Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Emergency Response Capacities and Systems through customized training courses.
Training design is contemporary by keeping the knowledge and information up to date. We build our training around national policies and frameworks, international standards and, appropriate perspectives on gender, poverty, empowerment and equality.
RedR India has facilitated over 1000 training in the last 15 years covering diverse topics in the humanitarian sector and worked with various renowned partners.

In all RedR India training courses, the emphasis is on active learning through participatory group exercises: case studies, role-play, focused group discussion, peer review, individual hand holding, group assignment, assignment ,online simulations and practice with equipment used in the field. While designing the training content, adult learning principles are taken into consideration. Implementation of the content will be through participatory methodologies.

Who should join the course:
HCL Foundation Partners, HCL Foundation Team Members, HCL Tech CSR Volunteers / Consultants, student, government employee or staff.
This course is open to GO, INGOs, UN, Red Cross, NGOs development and emergency personnel who have experience of relief, rehabilitation and development work or are likely to be involved in disaster response initiatives.
Courses offered :
A short virtual event will be held to share latest trends and expert opinions in the field of Disaster Management. The webinars will provide an opportunity to collaborate with the professionals in the development sector as well as communicate the learning in the humanitarian sector for the sustainable development.
This year we will conduct 6 webinars on relevant topics in the humanitarian sector. To know the upcoming courses please click.
Blended learning courses:
One course of 44 hours will be delivered over the period of 2 months. The blended learning courses will be conducted recognising teaching strategies and learning theories appropriate to adult learners and will place importance on learner-centric instruction designs. Delivery of the proposed course(s) will be done in a blended mode of self-paced and facilitated/instructor-led modules, for achieving the desired learning outcomes. The technologies used for delivery of these training courses will encompass Web-Based Training (WBT), Mobile Learning (m-Learning) and Transmedia/Collaborative Learning ; and, where appropriate and feasible, intensive short duration face to face modules. The course includes participatory activities, online quizzes, guided learning sessions, group assignments and many more interesting ways to learn. To know the upcoming courses please click.