Mr. Sriraman Varadarajan
Sriraman is an independent professional with a Civil Engineering background and over 28 years of experience in Sustainable development and Disaster management. He has been an active member and experienced trainer for RedR India since the year 2004. Specific areas of sectoral expertise include Shelter and WASH both in development and humanitarian contexts including, but not limited to, training and capacity building of individuals and institutions from grass root level to regional level and; design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of WASH and Shelter reconstruction programmes in various disasters and; design and delivery of various humanitarian Capacity building workshops and training including Emergency needs assessment, Sphere in humanitarian practice, Managing projects and people in emergencies, Disaster Risk Reduction, School safety and DRR, Planning and managing humanitarian response etc.
Just to quote notable contribution to humanitarian and development sector, Sriraman has worked in the Evaluation of Shelter programme post Cyclone SIDR in Bangladesh, Design, management, and evaluation of permanent shelter post Tsunami in India and Sri Lanka; and several training programmes for masons and contractors on Compressed Earth blocks and other eco-friendly construction techniques in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Trinidad and Tobago; humanitarian training courses in South Asia, South East Asia and East Africa, Cyclone resistant shelter construction at the practical level for training masons, carpenters and other artisans in the Typhoon Haiyan affected Philippines as part of shelter programme for IOM. Managed country level humanitarian capacity building programme for RedR International, joint operation of RedR India, UK and Australia, for strengthening humanitarian response and recovery efforts in earthquake affected Nepal in 2015. Designed and delivered Build Back Safer (BBS) training programmes for IOM, Nepal in the year 2016. Worked as Senior Shelter Technical Officer in IOM from 2018 to May 2020 for Rohingya Refugee Crisis Response in Bangladesh. Designed and delivered a training course on “Enhancing Migrant Assistance Programming” for IOM, Indonesia in 2022. Worked with CDRI as Capacity building and deployment expert under RedR Australia-India deployment during 2021-22. Since 2022, Sriraman has been on the RedR India Managing Committee.