Global WASH Capacity Building Strategy, Oxfam America; 2012
RedR India served to build knowledge and skills of Oxfam and its partners towards WASH interventions along with taking into consideration issues of gender and disaster risk reduction. RedR India was instrumental in strategy planning in keeping with WASH principles, practices, approaches, tools and its application for design, implementation and learning with respect to the Humanitarian standard. In 2012, RedR India developed the overall WASH capacity building strategy for Oxfam America, outlining the framework and approaches for operationalizing the same. Developed through extensive consultations with OA’s HQ & country program staff; discussions with representatives from other Oxfam affiliates; and a detailed review of available WASH training resources, this strategy provides guidance for planned, contextually-relevant and systemic actions towards developing WASH capacities in OA staff and partners.
Disaster Risk Management Strategy, Plan India; 2015
Aligning with the organisational vision of Plan India, their Disaster Preparedness Process (DPP) and DRM global guidelines, RedR India drafted Plan India’s 5-year strategic plan for DRM in India. This five year Thematic DRM Strategy has developed stating priority areas for DRM action of Plan India based on their National Disaster Preparedness Plan and plugged into the Country Strategic Plan IV (2015-20), with a vision of bringing measurable change in the lives of children affected by disasters. The plan including components of mainstreaming disaster preparedness and risk reduction into their ongoing development initiatives, emergency response, recovery and surge components, and approach for stand along disaster risk reduction programming.