Disaster Management Planning and Risk Reduction in Maharashtra; 2019–20
Over the past two years, Unicef and RedR India partnership have yielded multiple outputs leading to enhanced disaster risk management perspectives and sectoral capacity building of Line departments at the district level. The project is now gearing up for the next phase with the aim to scale up mainstreaming of Disaster Risk Governance in Urban and Rural context at the State and Ward levels in Maharashtra. The current phase will continue to focus on building divisional and district level DRM capacities and strengthen state level departmental and Urban ward level disaster management plans. A feasibility study of establishing a drought monitoring mechanism for the drought affected district of Osmanabad will also be undertaken. A good practice document of Unicef and SSP’s drought resilience interventions integrated with WASH, Nutrition and Agriculture has also been undertaken.
Guidance for Risk-Informed Programme and Social Sector Recovery Preparedness and Planning, UNICEF BFO (Bihar Field Office) 2019
RedR India is providing technical support to Unicef Bihar State Office on Risk-Informed Programming for improved DRR outcomes. Under this project, RedR is developing Training Modules on Risk-Informed Programming along with Guidelines on Child-Centred Social Sector Recovery and Preparedness Planning. RedR India will also review modules of the Global Guidelines on Risk-Informed Planning (GRIP) and adapt it to the context of Bihar. These were followed by a pilot workshop on the same with multiple stakeholders.
Disaster Risk Governance and Risk Reduction Planning, Maharashtra, Unicef India, 2018
RedR India in partnership with Unicef India undertook a project to strengthen Disaster Risk Governance in collaboration with Government of Maharashtra. The project supported the design and development of multi-sectoral disaster management plans for the districts of Osmanabad and Beed. The emphasis was particularly on enhancing the resilience of essentials services and delivery systems, their capacity to mitigate, prepare for and respond to hazards (residual risk), whether natural or anthropogenic. The risk reduction recommendations will further help in achieving the objectives of Sustainable Development Goals, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and targets of Paris Climate Agreement as also articulated in the National Disaster Management Plan 2016.
The framework for this model proposes that if the stakeholders respond (including recovery) effectively to the exceptional situations (shocks/emergencies) then they will be able to maintain the trajectory of development (bounce back or build back better) in the district/town/state. Assistance from outside will be needed only in very large scale emergencies. Such line-departments having a dual mandate (development and humanitarian) will benefit from effective coordination (for risk reduction/preparedness) by disaster management department or district magistrate (Risk Governance Functions) and access to improved risk analysis.
Real Time Online Monitoring System for DRM Project; Nepal and Bangladesh, HelpAge International, 2017-18
RedR India provided technical support in developing a Real Time Online Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for a project on Building Preparedness of Vulnerable Communities through inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction initiatives. A real-time data collection and analysis system for KAPS baseline assessment on CBDRM was developed using KOBO using agreed indicators for outputs and outcomes of the project. Guidelines were developed for the use of assessment tools and the project teams in Nepal and Bangladesh were provided handholding support. Further support was provided in data analysis and reporting. This was done based on a Monitoring and Evaluation framework developed through this project and involved online formats and reporting guidelines across levels of management.
Mainstreaming DRR into Department Plans at District Level; Osmanabad, Maharashtra, Unicef India, 2017
State Disaster Management Authority under Relief and Rehabilitation Department, of The Government of Maharashtra (GoM) in partnership with UNICEF with Technical Support from Red R India implemented a pilot project on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction (MDRR) in Osmanabad district of Maharashtra in 2017. This project created a model for strengthening the mainstreaming of DRR in the development planning of national and state flagship programs and associated institutional structures to implement risk-informed plans. The 5-month project involved targeted coordination with 23 government stakeholders at the district level for capacity building and three priority stakeholders viz. Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), Primary Education and Zilha Parishad’s Water Supply and Sanitation Department (WSSD) for strengthening risk governance by identifying disaster risks to the services and communities. This led to recommendations for reducing specific risks which can be further integrated into development plans and strengthen coordination among stakeholders.
Risk-Informed Village Development Planning; Maharashtra, ReF, 2016-17
Reliance Foundation has also been working as knowledge partner with Government of Maharashtra for strengthening the community processes around Village Development Plans (VDPs). While ReF’s VDP process is founded on participatory needs assessment for community-based development planning, it is also important to integrate elements of existing and emerging disaster risks within the development planning to build the resilience of communities against shocks and stresses that can impact their well-being. With aim of mainstreaming disaster risk reduction, RedR India team reviewed the existing Tapalheti Village Development Plan and conducted intensive field-based consultations to identify opportunities for enhancing existing microplanning process and spaces of integrating risk elements within the existing plan. RedR India developed a comprehensive framework for participatory risk analysis which can be integrated in the existing tools and techniques for problem analysis in the VDP process. The framework not only looks at existing Hazards, Vulnerabilities and Coping capacities but it helps communities to identify climate stresses, adaptive capacities as well as issues of service continuity during the disaster event.
Positive Community Impact (PCI) DRR Toolkit, 2012-13
In 2012 RedR India supported Positive Community Impact (PCI) in creating a toolkit covering various aspects of Disaster Risk Management in general and with specific context of India. The toolkit had 3 main sections, the first of which provided inputs and insights on how disasters impact human lives and the process of development, touching upon the evolution of the thought process in the DM Sector. The second section included information on the existing policies, frameworks, structures and mechanisms for enabling optimum DRM. The third section described in detail, the activities for DRM like risk vulnerability and capacity mapping, risk reduction and transfer, preparation of VDMP, Block and District level disaster management plans, the formation of task forces at village and ward levels, capacity building and Needs Assessment and planning for activities post-disaster. This toolkit was to be used by PCI in the process of bringing the government, private sector, educational institutions and NGOs together to reduce disaster risk and enhance local response networks on DRR.
PDNA Tools Development and Training; UNDP Afghanistan, 2010-11
RedR India in association with UNDP Afghanistan undertook an exercise to develop through a consultative process tools for Post Disaster Needs Assessment for the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development of Government of Afghanistan. As a part of the development and rollout plan, RedR India conducted a pilot and master trainer workshop on the tool which was then shared and applied across the country by the ministry and UNDP to set up a standardized and structured Needs Assessment mechanism and process.
Manual on Child-Centered Disaster Risk Analysis; Plan India, 2011
RedR India developed and field-tested a child-centered participatory disaster risk analysis manual for community volunteers for Plan India for incorporation into their DRM approach and practice in India. This manual was designed with the main aim of guiding and assisting the staff of Plan India and the PU staff in conducting Child Centred Participatory Disaster Risk Analysis to help communities and children understand/analyze their disaster risks and thereby develop action plans to reduce them. It is a useful resource for all humanitarian field workers, community development workers, NGOs, and community-based organizations interested in facilitating child-centred participatory disaster risk analysis.
Institutional Disaster Preparedness Capacity Building Project; BRAC Bangladesh, 2010-11
In 2010 and 2011, BRAC Bangladesh engaged RedR India to provide services for building the capacities of the newly formed Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC). RedR India carried out a series of activities which included, development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the organisation, for natural and man-made emergencies, training needs assessment (TNA) and developing detailed institutional training plan for BRAC staff, volunteers, paraprofessionals and community members; designing of training courses and materials on BRAC’s emergency response procedures including the pilot testing of courses at the district level and incorporating lessons learnt; creation of a monitoring and evaluation framework to track efficacy of training courses and the SOPs and; delivery of TOT to BRAC’s trainers from the training department and microfinance, education and health programs.
Mainstreaming DRR into Health Programmes; TdH Switzerland, 2011
In 2011, RedR India developed a model of intervention for mainstreaming community-based disaster risk reduction within the framework of Tdh’s ongoing Mother and Child Health Projects in India (Sunderbans, West Bengal) and Bangladesh (Borguna and Kurigram Districts). This was done through extensive fieldwork in the operational areas, documentation and analysis of the disaster management context, review of ongoing health and WASH programs, and development of a DRR integrated logical framework for further roll-out and implementation.
Risk Analysis and Risk Reduction Planning; MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF),2010
RedR India provided technical expertise and hand-holding support for simplifying the concept of Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and conducting Vulnerability and Risk Assessment at grassroots for MSSRF, towards their goal of building resilience among Indian and Sri-Lankan communities post Tsunami in 2010. The project was consolidated by the creation of guidelines for conducting V&RA at the community level through participatory processes. These guidelines were then shared with the concerned stakeholders through extensive workshops across two Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
Drought Mitigation; Rajasthan, India, Oxfam GB, 2006-09
Over a period of 4 years from 2006 to 2009, RedR India in partnership with Oxfam GB was instrumental in facilitating a comprehensive drought mitigation program in western districts of Rajasthan. RedR India worked in partnership with several local civil society organizations in Rajasthan towards a drought mitigation and livelihood programme centering on water security. This work was then complemented with local level contingency planning to enhance preparedness and complement the mitigation measures undertaken to reduce risk from seasonal droughts. The key objectives met were improved water security, improved food security, increased participation of vulnerable groups in particular women, and the creation of a replicable model for advocacy on drought risk reduction.