These evaluations are conducted at the end of a project or programme and involved structured methods and detailed analysis of an intervention. They look extensively into all aspects of an intervention (programme, operations, finances etc.). Most of these are external and independent evaluations and a few are undertaken as a partnership.
Some Examples of Our Work:
Post-Emergency Review of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Emergencies Project in Lombok and Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(International Planned Parenthood Federation)
IPPF implemented the MISP programme in response to the earthquake in Lombok and Central Sulawesi. The overall goal of the humanitarian programme was to improve the health outcomes of crisis-affected populations by reducing preventable sexual and reproductive health morbidity and mortality. Following the response, IPPF commissioned RedR India to conduct the Post Emergency Review to document the process and evaluate the outcomes of SPRINT’s support and funding to the Member Association (MA) led MISP response in a country. The review focused on the effectiveness of the support and the emergency funding, as well as evaluates the overall MISP response and impact on the affected communities. The review contributed towards enhanced learning on the emergency programme and the findings were used to reflect and build upon the shortcomings of existing mechanisms, implementation strategy and programme management.
Endline Evaluation of Integrated Emergency Humanitarian Response to the Rohingya Population in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh (Christian Aid) – 2019
RedR India conducted an endline evaluation of Christian Aid’s Integrated Emergency Humanitarian Response to the Rohingya Population in Cox’s Bazar project. The purpose of this evaluation was to measure the achievements and impact against the baseline of the project interventions focused on improving access to and utilization of quality WaSH, Health, Nutrition and Protection services in selected six Rohingya camps.
This project was funded by DFID, led by CAID as a consortium lead and World Vision International (WV), Concern Worldwide (Concern), Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) and Gana Unnayan Kendro (GUK) as consortium partners. This project was in line with the Humanitarian Response Plan, and followed a coordinated, integrated and inclusive intervention to fill critical gaps in humanitarian assistance in the areas of WASH, Health, Nutrition and Protection and Health in camp no. 12, 13, 14, 15, 18 and 19.
Evaluation of Xylem Uttarakhand Flash Flood Response (Mercy Corps; 2014)
RedR undertook an independent evaluation of the Cash-For-Work ‘Xylem’ project that was undertaken from October 2013 to April 2014 in 10 villages of Urgam valley in Joshimath block of Chamoli district as part of the early recovery work done by JANDESH with financial support from Mercy Corps in response to the flash-floods induced disaster in mid-June 2013 in Uttarakhand.
Endline and Evaluation of Project Xahajog (Mercy Corps, Assam; 2014)
The primary objective of this assignment was to conduct a rapid evaluation on the status of the affected people in Chirang, Kokrajhar and Dhubri Districts displaced by conflict based on the data available in order to evaluate the appropriateness and relevance of the project. The evaluation looked at the shelter and livelihoods interventions are undertaken with both the host and displaced communities.