RedR India has conducted a number of rapid needs assessments in post-disaster settings throughout India and South Asia. These assessments are usually launched within 48-72 hours of a disaster event and usually span from a few days to a fortnight depending on the scale of the event and geographical spread. At its smallest, the assessment team involves 2 to 3 specialists. and the largest deployments have involved up to 20-25 specialists. The assessments carried out by RedR India span multiple sectors, in particular, WASH, Shelter and NFIs, Food, Nutrition, Education and Child Protection. We have conducted assessments following floods, earthquakes, flash floods, cyclones and in drought situations. Our assessments have assisted both specific organizations and/or the larger sector/coordination bodies to inform their response planning. Usually, RedR works closely with Unicef, Oxfam and Christian Aid for emergency assessments.
Some Examples of Our Work:
Rapid Needs Assessment, Maharashtra Floods – Aug 2019
Numerous districts of the state of Maharashtra witnessed heavy rainfall from July 26, 2019. The state received 802.70mm rainfall this monsoon, which accounts for 109.43% of the average rainfall between the months of June and August. RedR India partnered with Unicef Maharashtra in conducting a Rapid Needs Assessment, to understand the impact of floods on the well-being of women, children and vulnerable communities in the districts of Kolhapur and Sangli. The RNA team assessed the impact of flood on public health, nutrition, WASH, child protection, livelihoods, food security and education aiming to get a better understanding of people’s knowledge, attitude, skills, social capital to cope and adapt with the stress generated from the floods. At the end of the assessment, RedR India put forward a list of recommended interventions/actions for effectively addressing the emergency as well as early recovery programme needs of the flood affected population and social sector services.
RedR India’s Assessment post-cyclone Fani, Odisha – 2019
The Indian state of Odisha was hit by Cyclone Fani on 3rd May 2019. An ‘extremely severe cyclone’, left behind a trail of destruction in Odisha before waning out into the neighbouring states of West Bengal and onwards in Bangladesh and Assam. A Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) was conducted by RedR members followed by staff members in the two most impacted districts of Odisha i.e. Puri and Khorda. The RNA was conducted over a period of 2 days in each of the two districts. Two teams comprising of experienced RedR members based out of Orissa were on ground to understand the needs and challenges of the districts mentioned.
The objective of this assessment was to have a rapid yet overall understanding of multi-sectoral needs in the most impacted districts as well as to understand the impact on social sector services. The assessment revealed widespread damage to service delivery infrastructure (Anganwadis, Schools, Health Centres etc.) and loss of equipment and material at these facilities. It is estimated that the affected rural and urban communities will take considerable time to regain normalcy and the service disruption would continue for a few months and will also be impacted until facilities are reequipped.
Rapid Needs Assessment of Rohingya Camps for Monsoon Response (Christian Aid), 2018
After living in cramped camp settings for over 6 months since the displacement, the troubles of the Rohingya community seemed unending as the displaced communities faced extremities of climate, with incessant rains ruining the already scarce shelter resources and disrupting services in the camps. The situation had been a challenge to the international aid community. In this light, Christian Aid, with technical assistance from RedR India, decided to conduct a rapid multi-sectoral rapid needs assessment to understand the evolving sectoral needs during monsoon which would in turn inform the short term programme plans for ensuring effective aid delivery. The rapid assessment was conducted by 4 member RedR team in fours camps viz 12, 15, 19 and 22 in the 2nd week of June 2018. The assessment was conducted in line with Sphere and Core Humanitarian Standards taking into account cross-cutting issues like children, gender, disability, elderly, HIV/AIDS and environment.
Rapid Needs Assessment of Bihar Floods (PGVS and Christian Aid India), 2017
In August 2017, incessant rains led to one of the worst floods of the decade in Bihar and impact over 17 districts affecting 1.22 crore people. RedR India conducted a rapid assessment along with PGVS and other partners of Christian Aid to capture critical qualitative and quantitative data to inform decision making on the nature of the humanitarian response. The assessment recommended short and medium-term needs and Emergency WASH and Health intervention followed by Shelter and Livelihoods actions. Long term rehabilitation and livelihood recovery strategy were also recommended.
Rapid Needs Assessment of Drought situation in Maharashtra in collaboration with Swiss Aid India (2015-16)
RedR India along with Swiss Aid India conducted a Rapid Needs Assessment of the drought situation due to deficient rainfall in the Marathwada region in the state of Maharashtra. The rapid drought assessment was conducted to identify the immediate needs of the most vulnerable population in the field area, which intended to recognize interventions providing immediate relief to the poor and marginalized while working towards a long-term solution to vulnerabilities arising out of erratic weather conditions. The assessment focused on understanding the impact of drought on various sectors vis-à-vis WaSH, Health, Food Security and Nutrition, Livelihood, Education and Protection.