RedR India deploys and conducts both multi-sectoral and detailed sectoral assessments in post-disaster situations in partnership with operational humanitarian actors. These assessments usually involve the deployment of a highly skilled and technical resource team from our roster who develop tools, undertake the assessment and draft assessment reports and project plans to help inform and design recovery, response and rehabilitation interventions.
Some Examples of Our Work:
Rohingya Camp Shelter Assessment and Project Design; Swiss Solidar, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh (2019)
The Shelter Survey conducted by Shelter/NFI Sector partners in July and August of 2018 revealed that main concerns raised by the displaced Rohingya population living in Cox’s Bazaar were related to the strength of shelters, quality of material, lack of private cooking and bathing spaces, and lack of ventilation and privacy. The assessment found that most ties between structural elements were poorly executed (insufficient rope), 53% HH had foundations that lacked anchoring, and bracing was only found in one shelter visited. Insufficient household level site improvements were also observed. In addition to the above, issues of DRR, Gender, accessibility, WASH, Disability, Health and well-being and environmental concerns commanded the need for improving the existing shelter assistance programmes. In the backdrop of the above context, RedR India was approached by Solidar Suisse to undertake an assessment of shelter needs in selected blocks of Camp 14 of Ukhia, Cox’s Bazaar and neighbouring host communities, and assist Solidar Suisse and its local partner organization in all technical aspects of the design process of a new shelter project (including treatment of bamboo). The assessment report prepared contains the design of transitory shelter along with specific site improvement components with details of the material specification, Bills of Quantities and Estimates. The report also includes an overview of supply chain management and quality control measures for Bamboo procurement and use. Finally, the report charts the strategic outline with log frame for project implementation and enlists various reference materials, guidelines and contacts of key personnel which may be useful for liaison, technical assistance, collaboration and project implementation.
Livelihoods Detailed Assessment for Kerala Flood Response and Recovery; Christian Aid (2018)
In the aftermath of the Kerala floods of August 2019, RedR India collaborated with Christian Aid to conduct a detailed food security and livelihoods assessment in three of the worst affected districts of Kerala-Alappuzha, Idukki and Wayanad. The assessment was carried out by a 4-member team from RedR India with the support of Christian Aid partner staff and volunteers. The assessment found that traditionally marginalized communities such as scheduled caste households, other lower caste communities, plantation and agriculture workers and scheduled tribes who display the lowest human development indices of the state were still in need of continual support after the initial surge of relief. These findings helped with improving the understanding of the food security and livelihood situation post floods and informed the early recovery and livelihood rehabilitation programming of Christian Aid.
Multi-Sector Needs Assessment of Rohingya Refugee Inflow; Christian Aid India (2018)
Starting from 25th August 2017 more than 671,500 Rohingya have been forcibly displaced from their homes in the Rakhine State of Myanmar to Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh. The massive inflow of Rohingya population has triggered a large scale humanitarian response to cater to the needs of the affected population residing in camps set-up by the Bangladesh Government. Once such camp is Jamtoli (Camp 15) where Christian Aid along with its partners are responding to the needs of 51,866 Rohingyas through multi-sectoral interventions which include but was not limited to site management, WASH, Shelter/NFI, health care and protection. In order to scale up the response action, Christian Aid approached RedR India to conduct a Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment at Camp 15 for understanding the current and emerging needs of the displaced population at Jamtoli camp and set forth recommendations for programmatic interventions in key sectoral areas of Shelter, WASH, Food Security, Livelihood and Protection (GVB). The assessment deployed a mixed methodology involving quantitative and qualitative tools like household survey, block-level tool, focus group discussions and key informant interviews. Findings of the study are predominantly derived from primary sources and make recommendations that are actionable both in the short and medium term.
Multi-Sector Needs Assessment for Nepal Earthquake Recovery Programme; Christian Aid, Nepal (2016)
Christian Aid (CA) and its partners were active in Gorkha, Dhading, Sindhupalchowk and Dolakha districts of Nepal and had noted that unmet needs from the devastating earthquake of April 2015 continue to be a primary concern, particularly in more remote VDCs. In partnership with RedR, CA decided to conduct a detailed Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment (MSNA) of the earthquake situation, focusing on their operational districts along with partner capacity assessment for implementation based on identified needs. The MSNA identified critical needs across Risk Analysis, WaSH, Shelter, Issues in Coordination Program and Implementation, Food Security and Livelihoods, Education, Inclusive DRR and GESI and Health and Nutrition (3-5 years’ needs) according to geographical areas and sectors, assessing most important issues and their underlying factors. This assessment also highlighted humanitarian access issues and identified information gaps and needs.
Drought Impact Assessment; Unicef India (2016)
Against the background of the repetitive drought and drought-like situation in many states of India over the last few years, UNICEF’s India Country Office sought to improve its first-hand understanding of the direct and indirect impact of drought on children and women and the government programmes to lessen the negative impact. A rapid and detailed drought impact assessment was therefore carried out. For a comprehensive drought impact assessment, 21 districts were visited across 8 states and multiple stakeholders’ including government authorities were consulted. Along with these consultations, anthropometric methodology was adapted for a nutrition assessment too. RedR India deployed 31 experts across eight states for the work, who designed the assessment tools and methodology, led the process, compiled and analysed the findings and provided sector wise, district wise and state wise recommendations. These recommendations were provided as short, medium and long term actions towards mitigating the effects of the drought and build resilience at the community level. RedR, with respective Unicef state offices also engaged in constructive dialogue with the government of all the states to present the findings and the recommendations from the exercise, focusing on approaches that might fortify the existing machinery and services towards drought resilience. A national level drought conference was organized by UNICEF in collaboration Nation Institute for Disaster Management during 15th and 16th December 2016, at New Delhi for the discussion about the recommendations of this drought impact assessment. The recommendations were further consulted for the inclusion during the National Drought Assessment Manual revision. The report can be accessed here.