In 2018, RedR India established the LEAPS Hub of Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network to strengthen the capacities of local actors and agencies for enhanced leadership in humanitarian programming and action.
Asia Pacific Region has a pool of trained and deployable humanitarian professionals to provide high-quality and efficient practice and programme leadership in humanitarian action.
- Ensure availability of trained technical and non-technical personnel for providing surge, technical know-how and leadership in humanitarian action.
- Increase the involvement of national and sub-national humanitarian actors in unified needs assessment and multi-sectoral response planning through networking and partnership with UN agencies, INGOs and NGO consortiums.
- Serve as a platform for engaging professionals and organizations for ensuring delivery of rapid, high quality and effective humanitarian action.

LEAPS Approach
RedR India’s continual interface with various stakeholders including Government, INGOs, UN bodies and national, local and frontline actors categorically indicates the need for engaging on capacity building as a process with multiple modalities for execution. Through LEAPS, RedR India intends to invest in a capacity building process that will create a cadre of personnel and group of entities with multiple competencies comprising a blend of knowledge and skills for Humanitarian Response, Disaster Risk Reduction and Cross Cutting themes. The process will also create context specific knowledge resources and training modules which can be further replicated at National and Subnational level by ADRRN partners as certified training providers (individual and agencies both) of the LEAPS. This process might have additional opportunistic benefits of establishing a roster for the network of trained personnel on programme sectors and for programme management and coordination for national and sub national surge, and a pool of certified trainers for multiple subjects, nationally and regionally. LEAPS will develop and manage the regional roster register for smooth deployment by establishing partnerships at regional and national level with UN agencies, INGOs and NGOs while the sub-national registry would be managed by one of ADRRN partner in each country with technical and advisory support from RedR India which is a niche forte of the organization.