
“As an intern at RedR India I was involved in Hygiene Promotion and Documentation …”
"As an intern at RedR India I was involved in Hygiene Promotion and Documentation within the 'Maharashtra WASH Flood Recovery' Project. Undertaking this internship with RedR India, I took a part in facilitating sessions with the Hygiene Promotion specialists on effective and safe hand washing, discouraged unsafe practices such as open-air defecation, and instilled in students the importance of a healthy daily routine, both during and beyond school hours. I also worked with the project team on documentation of case studies and project reporting on WASH activities. The most compelling factor about RedR India’s approach to learning is that they always opt for engaging, involving diverse learning styles that give students agency during and after the sessions. I learnt the importance of active over passive learning, and the impact creativity can have in these spaces too. RedR India, and the relations that I have forged through this internship, will definitely carry me forward in my career." Kirsty McKellar - Intern Flood Public Health Recovery and Restoration Project Kolhapur District.

“A complete package of training about creating awareness about Social…”
“A complete package of training about creating awareness about Social Distancing and maintain Cleanliness and Hygiene to protect against the pandemic of Coronavirus has been disseminated to 23,650 people comprising of Gram Panchayat members, FLWs, Cleaning workers and Village Level Administration. The training sessions have been very beneficial for community members and we are thankful to RedR India and Unicef for implementing this initiative in Sangli district." Mr Abhijit Raut Zilla Parishad CEO, Sangli.

“I have been working with the Municipal Corporation in the last 10 years…”
I have been working with the Municipal Corporation in the last 10 years. This is the first time that I participated in online training. After the communities got to know about the corona, they got very scared and started panicking. The situation was very difficult to handle as we ourselves did not know the right way to help everyone. But after attending the training I got to understand the essential practices to protect myself as well as the community members from getting infected from this disease. Also, all the employees were asked to use masks and hand gloves before interacting with the community. Everyone is asked to practice social distancing even when undertaking cleanliness activities. We would like to thank RedR India and UNICEF and the trainers for organising this training. Further, we have demanded more such training from the Corporation and Zilla Parishad. Arvind Keshav Kamble Assistant Health Inspector Kolhapur, India

“I have been working in Nagthane Gram Panchayat since 2011. After the outbreak…”
I have been working in Nagthane Gram Panchayat since 2011. After the outbreak of coronavirus, there was an atmosphere of fear that was created amongst the members of the community. I was very worried because I did not know what I was supposed to say to the people. But after attending this training I got a better understanding of the entire situation and also learned how to cater to the various myths and misconceptions with regards to COVID-19. I visited all the people who had come from other areas that were outside the village and explained to them the various precautions that they were supposed to take in order to stop the disease from spreading. I also asked them to download Arogya Setu Application. In order to obtain information without gathering, we are now using WhatsApp groups. I would like to express my sincere thanks to RedR India and UNICEF as well as Zilla Parishad, Sangli for organizing this training. Swati Sandeep Salunke Patil Inspector and Gram Panchayat Nagthane, Palus, Sangli.

“I have been working with JACK (Just for Afghan Capacity and Knowledge)…”
I have been working with JACK (Just for Afghan Capacity and Knowledge) as a Program Manager, we run multiple Health projects in Various provinces of Afghanistan. We have a strategic partnership with the organisation Johanniter International Assistance, through them we came to know about a training course held by RedR India on 'SPHERE Standards in Humanitarian Practice', a profound course, very relevant to our projects, as we are engaged in various emergency situations. As part of my job, it is important for me to be aware of the minimum standards and protocols during an emergency; how to respond, how to control and manage emergency situations. Due to this training, I and my colleagues undertook technical and practical knowledge to be applied in emergency situations and assist other professionals in the Humanitarian Sector. I am very thankful to RedR India, who train their trainers so efficiently that they help us build our understanding in a full-fledged manner. I am confident I can apply the skills built during this training to my future projects. Noorahmad Ahmad Sphere Standards in Humanitarian Practice Pune, India

“RedR India with UNICEF and Zilla Parsihad have started an Online Training Course…”
RedR India with UNICEF and Zilla Parsihad have started an Online Training Course for our Frontline Workers, Gram Panchayat members, Cleaning workers, Taluka officers, Vigilance committee members and Gram Sevak. The theme of this training is Response and Personal Safety against COVID 19. Approximately, 26000 trainees have attended the training, who will be interacting with people in rural areas. In this interaction, they will be informing people about important measures like how to maintain personal hygiene like hand wash practice, significance of wearing face mask, creating social distance and staying at home. The facilitators Mr. Praveen Pawar, Ms. Vaishali, Mr. Rishikesh, Mr. Rajkiran are trying their best to reach out to the most of the Frontline workers. The quality of this training is very appreciable and systematic, every detail has been delivered very carefully. We hope RedR India and UNICEF will bring such advanced and important steps every time, to create developed communities. Ms. Priyadarshini More Dy. CEO, SBM, Zilha Parishad Kolhapur, India

“I chose this training course because, as a student…”
I chose this training course because, as a student I think I can learn some practical skills, that are not just significant for humanitarians but also students who are in development sector. We have trainers who are very experienced and who have worked in many cultural settings, and, the attendees here are also from many different experiences and countries. The 5 - day training here have been very insightful, all the attendees in the training, bring their personal experiences into the training, that adds another level of depth and advantage to the learning. I would recommend everyone to look into RedR India and look into all other courses, including Essentials of Humanitarian Practice (EHP). Rivika Bisht EHP Training Pune, India

“I undertook the Training of Trainers (ToT) on Community…”
I undertook the Training of Trainers (ToT) on Community Shelter Upgrade in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. My skills lie in Project Management, but taking the training helped me in developing a better understanding of the culture, context and building practices. I had limited knowledge about bamboo and its immense versatility in shelter construction, and this training helped me envision its applicability in the context of Cox’s Bazar. I look forward to attending more training courses with RedR India. Lourdes Valencia TOT on Community Shelter Upgrade in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

“I have been working in the humanitarian sector with specialisation…”
I have been working in the humanitarian sector with specialisation in Protection, Inclusion, Gender and Accountability. I undertook the training on Essentials of Humanitarian Practice, organized by RedR India, to gain a deeper understanding of this sector. It was an immensely interactive and engaging 5–day training organized by RedR India in Pune city, where participants from different countries participated. The simulation exercise session was helpful to understand the on-field challenges and vulnerable situations, that could come up in any real-life post-disaster scenario. Another session, which I liked was on understanding the motivation for humanitarian work. This session took me back to reflect upon the reasons I chose this sector, along with sharing of personal motivations by all the participants. For me, the key takeaway from this training is to ensure data authenticity along with an empathetic approach while being engaged in any emergency situations. I look forward to attending more training with RedR India. Divya Sama EHP Training Pune, India

“Attending the Sphere training was a wonderful learning opportunity…”
Attending the Sphere training was a wonderful learning opportunity for me. I had tried earlier to understand the concept of Sphere but even after multiple attempts I was unable to comprehend the differences and interlinkages between the foundational and technical chapters in Sphere Standards. Moreover, I was also unaware of the complimentary Companion Standards, but with the help of this 4–day training course provided by RedR India, I learnt about the standards, key actions, key indicators and learnt how to use the Book for my programmatic needs. The learnings from this course will definitely help me in my role and performance at work. Mr. Patrick Tang Seng SPHERE Training Kolkata, India