Procurement and Supply Chain Management in Disaster Response (Tata Sustainability Group), 2015- Current
Since 2015, RedR India has been providing technical support to Tata Sustainability Group (TSG) for building TATA group’s internal capacities with a specific focus on human resources for disaster response. In this regard, RedR India has conducted assessments, designed and delivered customized training courses and drafted volunteers’ management guidelines for disaster response. To build their internal human resource capacities, RedR India in collaboration with TSG designed a three-day training course on Procurement and Supply Chain Management (PSCM) in Disaster Response for TATA’s Procurement Officers to enable smooth logistics in all future endeavours of TATA groups’ disaster relief and response operations. The participants from these training courses have played significant roles in TSG responses during Chennai floods (2016), and the Bihar and Gujarat Floods (2017).
Humanitarian Logistics and Emergency Telecommunications Capacity Building Project (World Food Program), 2014-15
RedR India was contracted by WFP as a technical services provider to deliver, facilitate and ensure quality assurance of training courses on Logistics and Emergency Telecommunications. The target audiences for these workshops were Government of Nepal employees and Humanitarian Staff who are experienced in the subject matter of emergency logistics and were selected based on their potential to become ‘Guest Trainers” for the emergency preparedness and the emergency telecommunications training course. The objective of the ToT was to develop the capacity of the selected individuals to become skilled trainers in relevant training methods and thus to improve learning retention by future trainees. The ToT course was facilitated in the English language with simultaneous translation in the Nepali language. The courses helped in identifying and selecting “Guest Trainers” for the training programme to be conducted in the near future.